Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Pastured pork

This is the view the pigs have from their new home.

Aaron walks out to check on them every day or rides the 4-wheeler, if he’s in a hurry. You can bet they hear him coming and are waiting to be fed or have their backs scratched.

The big red building in the center is the barn; it’s an old bank barn, not really conducive to what we do now but it’s sturdy and in good condition so we make it work.

The smaller building is a toolshed. The sheep live in the white canvas building that looks like a carport; it’s on big metal “skis” to make it easy to move. The little red building is a garden shed. The chicken tractors are out of sight of this picture, just off to the left.

We use the pond to water livestock. There are water lines running all over the pastures that are gravity fed. We occasionally have geese or ducks on it but the dogs keep them from staying too long.

That’s the life the pigs are living at our farm. Pastured pork really does work.

1 comment:

  1. Keep up the great works guys I've included you guys to my personal blogroll.

