Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Another Sign of Spring

If you've ever been out to the farm, you know this guy. He's the official greeter.

His name is Nemo; he's a four year-old springer spaniel who thinks everyone's as eager to see him as he is to meet them.

We worked hard with him as a puppy so that he would sit on the porch when cars pulled in. It's difficult for him but he can usually wait until you get parked, then he's all over it!

Aaron and Daniel clip both dogs very short as soon as the weather warms up a bit. Keeping them trimmed helps reduce the amount of dirt they track in the house. And with 3 kids, 2 dogs and a farmer husband, you can imagine what the laundry room floor looks like! I've always said I chose tile the color of mud for that reason alone.

The other dog is a springer too; she's an old girl who is nearly blind and quite arthritic so you'll rarely see her but she's still around. She's the one who dictates the haircut time; when it's warm enough that Sally won't be too cold without her winter coat, it's warm enough for the spring haircuts.

So here's another sign that spring is finally here. Be sure to tell Nemo how nice he looks next time you see him.

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